Help Create "The Porch" A Hub For Community!
$45,000 55%

A porch is just a porch without
people who add the color!

 Community can happen anywhere! 

What Is The Porch Movement?

We are currently facing a “LONELINESS EPIDEMIC”. 

Together, we can do something about it! 

We can build community one “Porch” at a time. Inspiring individuals and groups to create Porch Environments all across their community, in their neighborhoods, for the purpose of authentically connecting with others. Intentionally holding space for one another and lending a genuine helping hand as needed. We are stronger together. Together we can restore safe and caring neighborhoods which will transform the way we do life with one another.

Get Involved Today!

Get updates and inspiration to make a difference in your community.


Would you like to restore a truly caring community? One where we look out for one another and lend a helping hand as we can? This can only happen if we bring back the sense of community that used to happen around porches. A place to gather all generations and learn from one another, really listen, treating one another how we want to be treated. Together we can build this kind of a strong community. 


Are you feeling isolated and alone? We want to help you connect with others in a supportive environment. We were created for connection. It is vital to our wellbeing.  

Open Porch Discussions

Would you like to be able to have respectful dialog with others about the things going on in our world, about your thoughts and perspective around, spirituality, convictions and even political issues? Our goal is to create safe porch environments for us to do all of this. 

These will be hosted in public sets. You are free to come and go as you want.

We love supporting local businesses so we will gather there. 

Hi, I’m Tammy Claughton

As the Founder of The Porch Movement, I’m passionate about the idea of bringing back porches in our community. Environments where we can hold space for each other, get to know one another, have open and honest discussion about our lives, our beliefs, our insights on all that is going on in this world. A space where we can be seen, heard and valued. A place where we build authentic community and really show one another love in practical ways. 

Your story Inspires!

What could happen if you gathered around a fire or bbq for an authentic conversation? We would love to hear your ideas.
What have been some of your best experiences on a porch? We would love to hear your story.
The other day I got to be a part of one of the most beautifully organic conversations on a porch with a few other ladies. I needed it so much. I didn't realize how hungry I was for that kind of connection.
~ T


Find out more about how to be part of the movement
Thank you!

This movement only happens because of people like you! Together, we will uproot loneliness. We can’t wait to get to know you better and build community with you, one neighborhood, and one porch at a time!

We will be in touch with you shortly!