It takes a community approach to make a differences! Meet some of our current difference makers!


Board Of Directors & Coordinators

Passionate about her family, people, improving mental health, and building strong community.
Shelli Schilt

Passionate about caring for her family and the community. She brings a wealth of experience as a business owner.
Colton Claughton
Board of Directors
Passionate about traveling and spending time in community as he goes. As a big idea guy he helps the team to think outside the box.
Kristin miller
Board of Directors
Passionate about her family and serving and strengthening her community. She brings her years of experience in helping non-profits reach their mission and objectives.
kassandra Tapia
Board of Directors
Passionate about youth advocacy and connection people to meaningful causes through mentorship and marketing.
Austin Boer
Board of Directors
Passionate about intentionally building community. As an international traveler he brings the perspective of how different cultures do this as well.
danielle morelli
Admin Coordinator
kathy lutes
Resource Coordinator

open porch hosts

Dave Swearingen
Open Porch Host
wayne fazzino
Open Porch Host
danielle morelli
Open Porch Host
your name
Open Porch Host

Communications & Social Media

denise johnson
Social Media
Samuel J
Video Shorts Master
danielle morelli
Master Storyteller

the crew that brings the fun!

Thank you!

This movement only happens because of people like you! Together, we will uproot loneliness. We can’t wait to get to know you better and build community with you, one neighborhood, and one porch at a time!

We will be in touch with you shortly!