Get Involved

We have several ways for you to get involved. You can keep it simple or get more engaged. 
You get to decide based on your time and passion for helping others. Get connected and experience authentic community.
We want to provide a place for you to make a difference and to be part of shaping your community. 

Help Uproot loneliness.
Host a porch in your neighborhood.

Build Community In Neighborhoods by
donating once or regularly.

Use your passions and skills to help others experience connection.

We all hit bumps in the road and need a helping hand. You can help. 

neighBorhood Porch

You can attend or
simply host a 
porch in your neighborhood. 

We see this as individual porches in a neighborhood where you start to invite your neighbors to simply connect. No agenda but to get to know your neighbors a little better.

This could happen on your front porch, back porch, living room, or the neighborhood park. 

 As we get to know one another, we may discover we have common interests or unique gifts and skills that we can share with one another. We may find ourselves moved by compassion to help a neighbor in need. The possibilities are endless.

We would love to cheer you on or provide you with some helpful resources.

Let us know how we can help you find a porch in your neighborhood or get started. 


Open Porch

You can attend or become a trained host.

These are specific porch environments (think coffee shops, fire pits, parks, patios, etc) for intentional connection. Simply building community in a group environment.

This is not a support group.(*We may have some referrals for specific support groups. 
Ask your host)

Or there will be scheduled discussions on specific topics. We will have a trained host there for the purpose of fostering a safe environment for discussion to happen. 

This is a place where we hold space for each of us to learn how to dialog about topics and issues that are very important to us. A space for dialog and mutual respect where we can be curious and open to learning from other people’s perspectives. A space that is inclusive for all.   

We will post a schedule of these as they become available.

A porch

Do you have a desire to help build community? To help people get connected with others? Do you have the gift of hospitality and want a place to use it? Do you have a porch environment that you would like to invite others to? 

Join the movement & keep it simple.

  • Pick A Porch
  • Prepare the Porch
  • Invite others to join you
  • Post Pics to invite and include and inspire others 
  • #theporchmovement

Become an
open porch

We believe this plays a vital role in creating an environment that is inclusive, respectful and safe for each individual to become known and valued for who they are. This is a high value for us. Therefore, we will train each of the Open Porch Hosts on how to facilitate a safe place for healthy dialog. 

They are there to cultivate an environment for discussion, not to provide counsel. 


A movement is never accomplished by one person, nor should it be. Being part of something bigger than you can be so rewarding! 

We want to partner with people who feel passionate about building a strong sense of community and helping the isolated and lonely to find healthy connections.

We know there are people with all different gifts, talents, skill sets, and life experiences who want to join a movement.

A few key opportunities:

  • Host A Porch
  • Trained Open Porch Host
  • Host Support Specialist
  • Trainer
  • Admin 
  • Resource Guide
  • Communicator
  • Donors

Let's Touch Base

We are here to answer questions.

Thank you!

This movement only happens because of people like you! Together, we will uproot loneliness. We can’t wait to get to know you better and build community with you, one neighborhood, and one porch at a time!

We will be in touch with you shortly!