~ About Us ~

Let’s keep building community simple!

It starts with a simple invitation!

Loneliness doesn't get the final say! Together, we can make a difference!

Over the last couple of years we have become increasingly concerned about the “LONELINESS EPIDEMIC” and have become determined to do something about it. This was happening prior to the global pandemic. The pandemic served to highlight it and make it more acceptable to talk about. So many began to work and do school from home. Many companies decided to keep it that way. We have increasingly become more isolated and disconnected from others. Fear and anxiety are on the rise. We are hard-wired for connection. Reaching out to others will help us break the grip that fear, anxiety and loneliness have on our lives. This 501c3 is new and being build by people just like you

We are committed to growing a diverse community. Many of us are people of faith with no agenda other than loving people well and becoming great neighbors. We are looking to simply love Jesus and people. We have invested our lives in relationship with people and have made it our aim to help individuals get the support they need to not only survive but thrive. We have found that people learn, grow, and thrive best when they experience supportive, and respectful community. Where they can be authentic, known and valued for all they bring to the community. 

Together, we can experience hope as we create this kind of community. We hope you will join us. 

We are driven by the values below.

Core values


First, we want to create inviting environments; visually, emotionally and relationally. 

Next, just start inviting. People are waiting for and wanting connection. They are more ready than you may realize.

Together, let’s be the solution for the loneliness epidemic. 


We intentionally prepare. 

  • Pick a Porch
  • Prepare it
  • Invite

When we see a neighbor in need we are intentional about collaborating to meet the need. If we don’t have the resources we can help with referrals. 

We are in the process of developing resource guides and coaches.


We are inclusive. We want to meet all people as they are and learn from one another. 

We want to cultivate a safe place to learn to dialog about our many differences and respectfully hold space for each other in our different ideas, beliefs, and spiritual   journeys. 


We want to inspire you to host a porch, to learn how to dialog with others not like you and to care for your neighborhoods in unique and creative ways. We believe when we do these things we will build a stronger more caring community where all of us can thrive.  

Stories from
the porches

While on the porch not long ago, we met a woman walking by with her dog. She told us she'd recently moved in, just a few blocks away. it was good getting to know her. I'm not sure we'd have met if it wasn't for the porch. ~Judy
I loved listening to stories shared by my cousins. He was such a great storyteller. He got more excited as the audience grew as we all were hanging out on the porch and the front yard.
~ C

Want to join the movement?

Let's Touch Base

We are here to answer questions.

Thank you!

This movement only happens because of people like you! Together, we will uproot loneliness. We can’t wait to get to know you better and build community with you, one neighborhood, and one porch at a time!

We will be in touch with you shortly!